Journal "Theoretical and mathematical physics"
Authors: V. Sh. Sufiiarov, A. V. Orlov, E. V. Borisov, I. A. Polozov, A. A. Popovich, M. O. Chukovenkova, A. V. Soklakov & D. S. Mikhaluk.
Вебинар: Оценка прочности и устойчивости металлических конструкций зданий и сооружений по СП 16.13330.2017 с учетом назначения и условий работы
На этом вебинаре рассмотрим основные особенности расчетов прочности металлических конструкций по СП 16.13330.2017
In this paper, the authors suggested a finite element approach to the simulation of mechanical properties of functionally graded materials (FGM) using a multilinear plastic material model. The approach was used to simulate tensile test experiments on the homogeneous specimens manufactured at two laser power regimes and composite specimens based on the materials considered. We showed a correlation between the simulation results and the experiment. We studied the mechanical effect of geometry and size of inserts in the composite specimens and determined that changing the size and geometry of the inserts can modify the mechanical characteristics of the specimen. We found that the multilinear plastic material model provides the highest level of agreement between simulation and experimental results and, unlike the bilinear model, is more comprehensive.